

Operational Questions

Call 0800 11 66 55 or email
There is a team ready to support existing subscription customers.

Subscription customers can continue to contact our team by calling 0800 11 66 55 or emailing us at

If there's an urgent issue with the solar system, you can call our after-hours number on 0800 11 66 55 and one of our team will be happy to help.

SZ Servicing Limited has a dedicated team who support customers who are moving house.  They can be reached by calling 0800 11 66 55 or by email

Our team will provide all the necessary support to transfer the agreement to the new owner.

Yes, the SolarZero App remains operational.

Payment and Contract Questions

Your energy service agreement continues.  Your current contractual arrangement has not been impacted by the liquidation of the SolarZero corporate entities.

Your Energy Service Agreement remains unchanged.

Your Energy Service Agreement remains unchanged. 

Yes, your energy service agreement continues uninterupted.

Yes, your Energy Service Agreement allows you to switch energy retailers.

The benefits detailed in your energy service agreement remain.

There is no change to your method of payment.  All bank details and direct debits remain the same.

The credit remains secure on your account to be used as a credit against future solar subscription fees.  All customer payments are held by the Public Trust and are not impacted by the SolarZero Limited (in Liquidation).

Governance Questions

The Public Trust has assumed ownership of the two companies that hold contracts with SolarZero customers, to ensure the obligations are protected while the insolvency process is worked through.

They manage your payments, which are protected from SolarZero's insolvency.  The company is being managed by SZ Servicing.

The commitments detailed in your agreement with SolarZero will not change, although the Servicer responsible for delivering the energy service throughout your agreement is likely to do so.

Solar Subscription

Over the years there have been a number of different subscription services, please refer to your energy service agreement or give our customer care team a call on 0800 11 66 55.

You are a customer with a 20 or 25-year Energy Service Agreement.  Our job is to ensure that the equipment driving the subscription performs throughout that time.

We provide a web dashboard &/or a SolarZero App so you can personally monitor solar generation, battery capacity*, solar export, and grid usage.  This will enable you to make smart energy decisions to reduce your energy costs.

Our solar engineers also monitor the system's performance and receive an alert if there is an issue.  Often, this can be rectified remotely.  If not, they will arrange for an electrician to visit at no additional cost to you.

*If you energy service includes a battery

Installed Hardware

Subscription customers do not buy the solar panels, battery, inverter, framing, wiring, energy management and control systems, two-way meter, or any other kit associated with the solar and battery system (Energy Hardware).  They also don't pay for any solar system repairs, faults, and breakages, including those caused by natural disasters.  Or to replace products that no longer deliver the benefits set out in the agreement.  This is for the length of the subscription. 

Solar panels are designed to be largely self cleaning. We install solar panels on a slight angle so when it is raining they clean themselves. Our team are constantly monitoring your system so if performance has dropped they will contact you and recommend you clean the panels.  SZ Servicing Limited recommends contracting Edwards & Hardy to clean the panels.  They have a team located across New Zealand and can provide a free quote.  Call 0800 666 677 or click here to obtain a quote.  Get a Free Quote from the Experts Edwards & Hardy.

We are responsible for repairs and replacement of the solar and battery systems whether it is a warrently claim, end-of-life, fire, flood or anything else (except deliberate malice).

With your Solar Subscription, you'll enjoy daily monitoring from our experienced energy management team.  They oversee all our solar and battery systems, so if something happens or performance dips, they will fix the problem remotely, call you to check for issues of shading or dirty panels or if it is a system fault arrange for our local expert team to fix it at no additional cost.

Battery lifespan varies based on how you use energy in the home, we will continue to utilise the installed equipment until it impacts our performance guarantees.  At which point we will replace the battery. 

By logging into MySolarZero you will be able to review what is stored in the battery. Simply click on the monitoring tab, and you will be able to see how much energy is stored in the battery.  Alternatively download the SolarZero App from the App store.

Please ensure the battery remains well-ventilated and free from dust build up.  Other than that, our team will take care of the battery making sure it is always optimised for your home.

Yes. The battery we install complies with strict regulations and has several safety mechanisms to prevent accidental damage. It also operates at extra safe low voltage.  Please ensure you keep it free of dust and well ventilated, you should avoid stacking items on or directly surrounding it (that could cause the system to overheat).

The Power to Save

The essence of subscription savings is underpinned by using solar electricity and off-peak & shoulder grid energy for most of your home energy needs.

Of course, the power to save is up to you, as it is also based on how much energy you consume and when.  Our energy specialists, MySolarZero and/or SolarZero App help you save by providing tips and tricks and clear visibility on energy usage.

Power Outages

This depends on the solar system installed at your place please check with our customer care team

Moving Home FAQs

Let us know as soon as you are considering moving home you can do this by contacting our transfer team

You are essentially taking over a solar subscription at a rate that was locked in when the existing homeowner signed up, supported by industry leading guarantees, to help you save on your annual power bills.

Our team will tell you how many years are left on the SolarZero energy services contract - it will be the years left on the contract from when the homeowner signed up.

Payment and Contract Questions

What is TOU?

SolarZero’s Time of Use (ToU) pricing model means you pay different rates for the energy you export and import, depending on the time of day. 

SolarZero’s Time of Use (ToU) pricing is a simple pricing model that charges you different rates for any energy that is imported or exported depending on whether it is a peak, shoulder or off-peak pricing period. 

Your battery is optimised around the clock to make the most of the best energy rates, so you can continue to enjoy powering your home with lower energy costs. 

·       Peak times for power are between 7-9am and 5-9pm Monday to Friday

·       Off-peak periods are between midnight to 7am

·       Shoulder times are between 9am-5pm, and 9pm-midnight Monday to Friday, and 7am-midnight on the weekends

You don’t need to worry about all of these different periods too much, as our team of energy experts are optimising your battery behind-the-scenes to ensure you’re making the most out of these rates at the best times.



Below are the rates and time periods. These will be reflected on your monthly power bill from Ecotricity: 


Time Period

Rate Name

Energy Rate (/kWh) 

Midnight to 7am

Off Peak rate


7am to 9am 

Peak Rate


9am to 5pm

Shoulder Rate 


5pm to 9pm

Peak Rate


9pm to Midnight

Shoulder Rate




Time Period

Rate Name

Energy Rate (/kWh) 

Midnight to 7am

Off Peak rate


7am to Midnight 

Shoulder Rate



The new energy rate is based on:

  •  energy wholesale pricing 

  • the solar, battery and grid usage profiles of SolarZero’s customers (import, export, lines charges and solar generation or consumption)

  • solar subscription costs 

Additionally, we collaborate closely with Ecotricity to assess the current market landscape and make informed decisions regarding pricing. Our goal throughout this process is to deliver value to SolarZero’s customers in a financially sustainable manner.

The expected average import rate is 12.2c/kWh and Export is 14.7c/kWh across the year, so compares well with other retailer rates. This compares to the average of 16.7c/kWh for other NZ retailers.

SolarZero’s rates remain competitive. We collaborate closely with Ecotricity to assess the current market landscape and make informed decisions regarding pricing.  



Over the last few years grid energy prices in New Zealand have risen significantly. As a result, SZ Servicing Limited has had to reassess the subsidised rates offered to SolarZero’s customers. To continue providing competitive rates in partnership with Ecotricity, we need to adjust SolarZero’s pricing to align with rising market prices. We remain committed to delivering value and competitive rates to SolarZero’s customers.

Moving from a flat rate to multiple tariffs allows us to better align energy prices with the actual cost of supplying electricity at different times of the day, and provides customers with increased options to control their power charges.

In part yes, since the commencement of the liquidation of SolarZero, we have been reviewing the costs of running the business to ensure it can continue to deliver your service. 

We found the overall costs of your service were not being fully recovered. These included a subsidy for the cost of power from the grid and recent increases in wholesale energy rates that were not reflected in your energy charges. 

The terms of your agreement with SolarZero say that the price of grid electricity depends on SolarZero having an appropriate agreement with an electricity retailer (in this case, Ecotricity), and changes to the subsidised energy rate provided through Ecotricity are required.  



We estimate average power users power bills could increase by approximately $30 per month, while for low power users the difference could be as low as $5 and for a small number of very high-power users the increase could be more than $100.

Importantly, the monthly SolarZero Solar Energy Fee remains set for the duration of your contract, but the energy rates with our grid partners are changing. 

Most customers will continue to save, and for any that don’t, SolarZero’s savings guarantee under your Energy Services Agreement is still in place.   

The SolarZero savings guarantee says that as long as you meet your contract obligations and fair usage guidelines, you will save on your total energy costs compared to what you would have paid with your previous provider.

There are a few steps we take to calculate your savings. First, we take your solar subscription and add it together with your Ecotricity bill. Then, we compare this total with what you would have paid with your previous provider. 

We calculate this using the power bill you provided when you first joined us and how much energy you use in the year.  

Next, we apply a 5% reduction in energy use because we give you better visibility across your energy usage, and you can monitor your energy consumption through the MySolarZero dashboard. 

Lastly, we apply an increase to your previous retailer's electricity rates for every year you have been with us to reflect average market price rises – the percentage for this can vary but is based on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment figures published through the Quarterly Survey of Domestic Electricity Prices (QSDEP). 



Please refer to your email for information on the date the new energy rates will take effect for you.

You can access monitoring of your system by logging in to the MySolarZero dashboard or by accessing the SolarZero App. Monitoring will show you how your home is being powered – from the solar system, from the grid or from stored energy in the battery – and at what times.  

Try to schedule as much usage during off-peak times as possible. Some common household equipment that you can schedule to run during off peak are:

  • Hot water heating (make sure you allow SolarZero to run this for you to maximise efficiency) 

  • EV chargers

  • Washing machines and dryers 

  • Dishwashers

The energy price increase will not result in any changes to the services provided to you. You can continue to expect the same reliable solar and battery solution and customer support. 

No. You can expect the same billing procedures from your grid energy provider. Your monthly energy bill from our grid partners will reflect the new energy rate, but there will be no changes to the billing or payment methods.

Absolutely, your Energy Service Agreement enables you to change grid energy companies.  However, changing provider will impact the savings guarantee.



SZ Servicing Limited (on behalf of SolarZero Contract Servicer Limited or SolarZero Residential Contract Servicer Limited (as applicable)) is responsible for communicating changes that affect your energy service, including pricing adjustments, because these competitive rates are secured exclusively for SolarZero customers. While the grid energy rate changes are implemented and billed by Ecotricity as SolarZero’s electricity retailer partner, SZ Servicing Limited serves as your primary point of contact for all matters related to your solar subscription.

The energy price adjustment is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the long-term sustainability and quality of your service. While we work to avoid price changes, the energy market is dynamic and subject to various factors that may influence pricing over time. 

While we cannot guarantee this will be the only price change, we remain committed to being transparent about any changes and providing advance notice to SolarZero’s customers, while assisting you to power your home at a lower cost than via your previous provider. 

Pulse Grid Energy

General (all options)

SolarZero provides price protected grid energy rates to customers via an agreement with an energy retailer, provided there is an appropriate agreement in place with our partner retailers to facilitate this. Since the liquidation of SolarZero in November 2024, SZ Servicing has discontinued the partnership arrangement with Pulse Energy.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in electricity costs. SZ Servicing needs to consolidate its retailer relationship with a single grid partner to manage its costs.

SolarZero has had a longstanding relationship with Ecotricity, who is able to offer more competitive terms to SZ Servicing. Additionally, Ecotricity is Toitū climate positive certified, meaning you will be powering your home with 100% renewable energy.

No. Lines charges are set by the local network company and change each year on 1 April.

The only difference if you are a prepaid customer is that you will not receive a monthly invoice for your SolarZero Energy Services fee from SZ Servicing. You must still select one of the three options for your grid energy.


My Benefits

This is dependent on the rates you are offered by another retailer and your usage profile. The rates being offered through the Ecotricity grid plan are substantially lower than NZ average residential electricity prices.

The only way to keep your price protected grid energy rate is to opt in to move to Ecotricity. If you choose to stay with Pulse or find your own retailer, your price protected grid energy rate will no longer apply.

From 1 April 2025 your savings guarantee will only apply if you are on a price protected grid energy rate with Ecotricity. The savings guarantee will not apply for as long as you are with any other retailer, including Pulse. Your savings guarantee will apply again if you subsequently move to Ecotricity assuming we continue to have appropriate agreements in place with Ecotricity.

Please refer to your personal Energy Services Agreement for information on the frequency of grid energy price reviews. 

Yes. Regardless of which option you choose, you will still be able to see your monitoring information and usage data in MySolarZero.


My Options

Pulse will provide you with a personalised email outlining the Standard Plan available to you. If you would like to know more, please contact Pulse directly by calling 0800 785 740 or emailing

If you don't do anything, or forget to move, you will stay with Pulse on a Standard Plan. You will lose your price protected grid energy rate and we will no longer be able to provide you with a savings guarantee.



To request a refund, please email a copy of your bank document and your Account Number to Due to security purposes, Pulse are required to sight a bank document that includes your bank account name and number, and your address such as a bank statement or bank slip. Please note, a screenshot of your online banking is insufficient as it does not show an address. Once Pulse receives your bank details, it will take 3-10 working days for the credit to be paid in your bank account. If you have an automatic payment set up, please ensure you cancel this so no further payments are taken from your account.

If you have money outstanding with Pulse, you will need to pay this outstanding amount directly to Pulse. 


Gas and LPG

If you have gas with Pulse, regardless of whether you stay with Pulse or move away to another retailer (including Ecotricity) for your electricity, Pulse will continue to provide you with gas. If you choose to, you are welcome to move your gas to another provider at your convenience.

If you have LPG with Pulse, regardless of whether you stay with Pulse or move away to another retailer (including Ecotricity) for your electricity, Pulse will continue to provide you with gas. If you choose to, you are welcome to move your LPG to another provider at your convenience.



If you have broadband with Pulse, Pulse will contact you directly to discuss your options here.

If you have broadband with 2degrees, there will be no change to this service. It will continue to be provided, and will be included in your monthly billing by SZ Servicing.


I’ve opted in, now what?

The move from Pulse to Ecotricity will be effective from 1 April 2025. Ecotricity will send you a welcome email in early April with information about what your bill will look like and how to set up a direct debit.

Your last bill from Pulse will be sent as normal by mid April and will include your grid energy usage up until 31 March 2025. 

Your first bill from Ecotricity will be sent early to mid May and will include your grid energy usage from 1 April 2025.

To update your direct debit details for the SolarZero monthly fee, visit the mySolarZero app or desktop version, click your Profile (top right). More information on how to do this is found here.

When Ecotricity emails you, as part of their welcome email, they will provide instructions on how to add your direct debit details. We are unable to share direct debit authorisation between SZ Servicing and Ecotricity, so you need to set this up with both providers.

If you have not been direct debited by SZ Servicing in recent months, we need to check that the account details we have on file for you are still correct. 

To see your latest Annual Sunshine Reports to check how much you’re saving, visit the ‘Dashboard’ in the MySolarZero app and click ‘Savings’.


I’ve chosen my own retailer, now what?

Your last bill from Pulse will be sent as normal by mid April 2025 and will include your grid energy usage up until the date you switched to another provider.

To update your direct debit details for the SolarZero monthly fee, visit the MySolarZero app or desktop version, click your Profile (top right). More information on how to do this is found here.


I want to stay with Pulse, now what?

Pulse will contact you to provide helpful information about your upcoming bill, as this will look a bit different.