Privacy Policy

SolarZero Websites and App

At SolarZero we take privacy seriously.  By using the SolarZero website or app, you authorise SolarZero to collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with these terms. We may update this policy from time to time and the updates will apply to personal information collected from the time of update.

Any personal information that you provide to us when using the website and app, such as your name and contact details, are used by us to:

  • fulfil any request you make for information
  • provide you with a personalised experience on our website and app
  • provide energy services to you
  • improve our website and app
  • contact you regarding our services, including for marketing and promotional purposes.

Our website and app use cookies and similar technology so that we can understand what you are interested in and to improve the performance of our website and app. Cookies collect information about the device you use to access the website and app and do not collect personally identifiable information. 

We do not share information with third parties but we partner with third parties who use cookies to present targeted advertising to you.  You can adjust your cookie settings on your browser. If you choose to block some or all of our cookies parts of our website or app may not work correctly. 

You may request access to, or correction of, your personal information by contacting us at