Image of pristine beach landscape

Toitū climate positive certified

We’re a Toitū climate positive certified organisation, which means we’ve been accredited by Aotearoa’s leading and most rigorous carbon footprint measures held up by globally recognised standards. But it doesn’t stop there. We have set science-based targets as the basis of our decarbonisation strategy to achieve our reduction targets, and we offset 125% of our remaining emissions via verified carbon credits.

Being Toitū climate positive certified means that we measure the impact of our whole supply chain and offset its carbon value by an additional 25%. We also have carbon targets that we must measure and reduce year on year.  

Home with solar panels installed

Sustainability strategy

We’ve worked with experts to develop a holistic sustainability strategy that spans the breadth and depth of our business. It sets out 18 targets, aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to help us create a positive impact across the key areas of environment, social and governance to hold us accountable for reducing our impact. 

The areas of our strategy include ambitious targets and actions on greenhouse gas emissions, packaging and waste, staff wellbeing, diversity, equity and inclusion, education, leadership and supply chain transparency. They’re rigorously measured and reported on, and regularly reviewed both internally and externally.

Close up shot of solar expert installing solar panel

Partnering with other leaders

We partner with businesses who are also committed to making a difference. As part of our Toitū climate positive certification, our whole supply chain is measured, and we also work with our partners from our supply chain to improve their emissions, too. 

One of our main business partners is Ecotricity, Aotearoa’s greenest energy retailer and our primary partner retailer. Also Toitū climate positive certified, they provide SolarZero customers with renewable energy and work within their own stringent sustainability policies. 

Woman running with bright sun shining in the background

Reducing the footprint of our fleet

Logistics are a core part of our business and a key focus of our carbon reduction. From dispatch to delivery, we’re working to transition our fleet into electric or hybrid vehicles where possible.

Our strategy for reducing our carbon footprint works in two parts:

1) Transitioning our fleets to 100% hybrid and electric cars. So far, this has resulted in a reduction of 25 TCO2e. 

2) Consolidating our shipments to reduce their frequency, as well as investigating freight companies who are also incorporating hybrid and electric vehicles into their fleet.

Photo of home with solar panels installed with sun shining

Shrinking your home’s carbon footprint, every time you flick a switch

Our solar power system isn’t just producing renewable energy, it’s reducing the amount of carbon used to power your home. Each system alone is estimated to prevent 15 tonnes of carbon over its 25-year contract. Over that same period SolarZero customers are preventing 12,107 tonnes of carbon from entering the atmosphere. That’s the equivalent of planting 112,592 trees — no small feat for a Kiwi home.

Lighting the way

We were the first solar business in the world to become Toitū carbon zero certified, and we’re now the first to become Toitū climate positive. Not only that, but our energy partner Ecotricity is also Toitū certified, and dedicated to working alongside us. We are always looking to see how we can do more, and do better.

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Want to know more about what we’re doing?

Sustainability is a complex and evolving science and one we’re committed to investing and improving within our business. We’ve worked with Go Well Consulting to develop a three-year strategy to help us measure and stay accountable for our actions. If you want to read more, you can download a copy of this below.

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