The saving power of solar

How running on sunshine saves you money on your energy bill.

Generate more, buy less

Switching to solar energy means you’re generating power you’d otherwise be buying off the grid. This means the more you make, the less you need, and the more you save.

Your battery is an important driver of those savings. It is designed to store any excess energy your panels generate, meaning you’ll need to buy less from the grid during peak (and expensive) times of the day.

Our team of experts sit behind the scenes optimising the battery to make the most sense for your home, so you don’t have to. This includes buying and selling energy when it is at its cheapest.

Full power transparency

Studies show that when people have more visibility over how much energy they’re using, they use less — now that’s something we can get behind. 

Our solar system comes with access to a monitoring dashboard and smartphone app. Both options give you visibility on how your solar energy system is going. From how much energy is being stored, to how much power you’re using from the grid. This also helps our team of energy experts optimise your system in the background to make sure it's running as best it can, both for your pocket and the planet.

Flexible options

Not sure which option is right for you?